
中国自然资源航空物探遥感中心, 北京 100083;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037
1∶10 000 helicopter aeromagnetic survey and prospecting clues in Taxkorgan iron metallogenic belt, Xinjiang
ZHANG YongJun,LI JiaoJiao,HE YiYuan,SHAN XiPeng,YU XueZhong,ZHANG Lei,CHEN MaoHong
(China Aero Geophyisical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resource, Beijing 100083, China;Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China)


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投稿时间:2023-12-01   修订日期:2024-08-20      网络发布日期:2024-11-05
中文摘要:新疆塔什库尔干沉积变质型铁矿带位于高海拔、深切割的喀喇昆仑山,铁矿成矿潜力大,但由于该区处于无人区,交通十分困难,找矿难度也很大。工作区虽已完成1∶5万航磁覆盖,但由于使用固定翼飞机测量,平均飞行高度达到794 m,获得的航磁异常较圆滑,难以精确识别铁矿引起的磁异常。直升机航空物探调查在地形复杂区大比例尺调查中已基本取代固定翼飞机航空物探调查,其优势是成本低、机动灵活、稳定性好、可超低空飞行获取更丰富的航空物探信息等。文章通过对处于无人区的1∶5万航磁异常新C-1999-13、新C-2008-1324和新C-2008-1285开展1∶1万直升机航磁调查,获取了高精度、高分辨率航磁数据,进一步精细刻画了航磁异常形态;采用多种异常分离技术对航磁异常进行分解,圈定了多处具有找矿意义的磁异常。随后采用直升机投送人员开展航磁异常踏勘,在新C-1999-13异常区发现了磁铁矿转石,证实直升机航磁测量和随后的直升机异常检查快速高效,对新一轮找矿突破战略行动中在高海拔深切割的无人区开展磁性矿勘查具有较好的参考价值。
Abstract:The Taxkorgan metamorphosed sedimentary iron metallogenic belt in Xinjiang is located in the high altitude and sharp topographic Karakoram Mountains. Ore prospecting in this area is a tough challenge in spite of its superior metallogenic geologic conditions due to locating in no-human-zone and poor transportation. 1∶50 000 aeromagnetic survey in study area was finished by using fixed-wing plane. But the average flight altitude is too high (794 m). It’s difficult to discriminate aeromagnetic anomalies caused by magnetite because they are relatively smooth. Helicopter-borne geophysical survey has more advantages in the complicated terrains than fixed-wing plane aero-geophysical survey, for example lower cost, better flexibility, better stability, lower flying altitude to acquire more aero-geophysical information etc. In this paper, we present the results of a 1:10 000 helicopter-borne aeromagnetic survey over aeromagnetic anomaly Xin-C-1999-13,Xin-C-2008-1324 and Xin-C-2008-1285 in no-human-zone of Taxkorgan, which were discovered by 1∶50 000 fixed-wing aeromagnetic survey. Compared with the past data, the newly collected high-precision and high-resolution aeromagnetic data can depict the aeromagnetic anomalies more meticulously. Various anomaly separation techniques were used to decompose aeromagnetic anomalies and some aeromagnetic anomalies maybe caused by magnetite were discriminated. We attempted to use a helicopter to transport personnel to the centre of magnetic anomalies for field geologic reconnaissance immediately after finishing aeromagnetic survey, and discovered floats/boulders of magnetite in the area of aeromagnetic anomaly Xin-C-1999-13. This attempt proves that the helicopter aeromagnetic survey and field magne-tic anomaly verification by helicopter transportation are fast and effective in high altitude and deep cutting mountainous areas. This might offer the valuable reference for the new round of prospecting breakthrough strategy in mineral exploration covering the high altitude, deep cutting and uninhabited mountainous areas.

ZHANG YongJun,LI JiaoJiao,HE YiYuan,SHAN XiPeng,YU XueZhong,ZHANG Lei,CHEN MaoHong.2024.1∶10 000 helicopter aeromagnetic survey and prospecting clues in Taxkorgan iron metallogenic belt, Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits43(5):1030~1040
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