
A brief discussion on the minerogenetic series of Mesozoic granites in south China


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Abstract:In south China, the Mesozoic granitoid as well as the related ore deposits can be classified into two petro-minerogenetic series: granodiorite porphyry series and granite series. Marked differences between these two series can be discerned in such aspects as occurrences, morphological features, the association and the sequence of evolution of rocks, trace elements, mineralization, etc. Our observation and analysis of Mine 414, Xihuashan and some other typical ore fields suggest that the ore deposits related to the Mesozoic granitic rocks occur frequently in groups rather than in isolated condition. They are closely linked up with the evolution or the same magma reservoir, exhibit certain time sequence in their formation and display some zonation in their spatial clistribution. Consequently, although of different kinds of ore and a variety of genetic types, they belong to one single minerogenetic series. With certain levels of ore-forming elements as a prerequisite, the development of granite minerogenetic series must have been governed mainly by the evolution of the magma, the age and lithological characters of the strata the magma intruded, the structural circumstances during mineralization as well as the coordination of these three major factors. For instance, supposing highly evolved magma intruded the carbonate formation of upper Palaeozoic era with its activity confined by relatively closed structural condition throughout the magma stage, the disseminated rare earth, niobium, tantalum, tungsten, tin and other mineralization of granite type were likely to form within the intrusion. But when the magma evolved to the post-magma stage and the structural condition was turned into an open one, the mineralization of tungsten, beryllium, molybdenium, bismuth, etc. of skarn type, ribbon rock type and quartz vein type would probably occur in the exocontaact zone, stratoid tungsten and polymetal mineralization of disseminated type would appear some distance from the intrusion. It is the author's opinion that the study of minerogenetic series may be of some practical significance in mineral exploration:after studying the distribution of various known mineral deposits, some reasonable presumption in the search for new ores could be made in the light of the conception of petrominerogenetic series.

.1983.A brief discussion on the minerogenetic series of Mesozoic granites in south China[J].Mineral Deposits2(1):38~47
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