
Metallization fo Xihuashan tungsten deposit: An example linking magmatic deuteric infiltration with hydrothermal lodes


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Abstract:Xihuashan is located in. a Caledonian fold region of South China where lots of granitoid intrusions occur ranging in size from large batholiths to small intrusive bodies in association with the regional structures, especially subsequent faults of such different trends as NE, NW, NNE and EW. The Xihuashan granite body is found to be one of the projecting cupolas from a common concealed long batholith ridge trending NE under the roof of slightly metamorphosed flyschoid beds, The isotopic ages dating the batholith range from 140 m. y. to 180 m. y. The exposed surface of the Xihuashan granite body is about 20 km2 in area and ellipsoidalin shape with longer axis running NW-SE. The aureole of hornfels around the igneous body makes up a remarkable feature, suggesting the effect of contact metamorphism. The Xihuashan mining area is situated predominantly at the southern spuror tongue detached from the Xihuashan main grartite body. Within the spur are two phases of granite rather closely related to tungsten metallization. The earlier phase γ (a) is porphyritic medium-to fine-grained biotite granite, heavily fractured but relatively slightly altered, and characterized by RE-bearing accessory mineral association of fairly abundant yttrite, a minor amount of hussakite, monazite and a little yttroparisite. The later phaseγ(a) is represented by medium-grained graniteγ(b-l) with subordinate amounts of porphyritic fine-grained, garnet-bearing graniteγ(b-2). Bothγ(b-l) andγ(b-2)are characterized by such common features as being rather full of miarolitic microcavities, subjected to extensively alkalic feldspathization and containing specific RE-bearing accessory mineral association of comparatively large amounts of yttrite, hussakite and yttroparisite and a little monazite. The contact betweenγ(a) andγ(b) is usually marked with a seam of pegmatitoid where the surface is rather flat, but becomes obscure where the surface is steep. Petrochemically, bothγ(a) andγ(b) are attributed to a common primary magma of peraluminous group in oversaturated category. In addition to containing a minor or trace amount of Sn, Bi, Mo, Be, Zn, Pb, Cu, etc., both granites have abnormally large quantities of W, which reaches as much as ten to hundred-fold of the W abundance of acidic igneous rocks. Compared withγ(a), γ(b) contains less TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3+FeO and MgO, more F and MnO, and is fairly rich in such cations with high charges as Ga, Nb, Zr, and all REE but Eu. The presence of quite a few remanent roofs and pendants of γ(a) and country rocks implies that the present outcrop surface is likely near the top of the intrusive body ofγ(b). Almost all the productive lodes are confined to the intrusive body, particularly y(b). On the whole, there are two major sets of nearly parallel lode groups, i.e., (1) NWW or nearly EW trending set with fairly steep northward dip, which is congested at the northern part of the mining area, and (2) NEE trending set with northward dip not so steep as the former at the southern part. Through extensive mining works, it has been realized that economic tungsten lodes are, so far, restricted to an outer altered rock shell right below the roof of the intrusive. A si潮癧敬?映慱捵瑡獲?灺漠楶湥瑩?琠潣?慭?捬潥湴捥汬畹猠楣潯湮?瑩桮慥瑤?瑴桯攠?瑨略渠杧獲瑡敮湩?扥攠慬牯楯湫杳?牬敩獫楥搠畡愠汬?普汳甠楲摡?瑨敥湲搠整摨?瑣潫?浩楮朠牴慨瑥攠?扥祮?瑥桲攠?灮牤漠捴敡獰獥?潩普?椠湯晦楦氠瑡牴愠瑴楨潥渠?瑥桲物潰畨来桲?琠桩敮?楯渠瑴敨牥猠瑡楬捴敥獲?潤映?灲牡敮?整硥椮猠瑗楨湥杮?捡爠祱獵瑡慲汴獺??慲湥搠?獥潩浮攠??潮瑣桨敥牳?杯牵慴椬渠獡?瑯潴睨慥牲搠?瑥桩敮?潵灳敵湡楬湬杹?晢楥獧獩畮牳攠獴?氠潡睰数牥?楲渠?灩牴敨獥獲甠物敮?灴潨瑥攠湦瑯楯慴汷??呬栠敡牴攠晤潥牰整??瑯桲椠獬?晴汥畲楡摬?楹猬?獩畮瀠灴潨獥攠摳?瑤潥?桡慬癬攮?扔牨潩歳攠湧?瑶桥敳?汲潩捳慥氠?敯焠畡椠汳楥扴爠楯畦洠?慮氠牥散慨摥祬?楮渠?敶硥楲獬瑡数湩据敧??物敮慥捡瑲攠摬?睮楴瑩档?瑬桡敲?晶潥物浮敳爮?捔牨祥獳瑥愠汅獮?慥湣摨?瑬桯敮渠?捡慴畴獥敲摮?琠桴敯?晥潴牨浥慲琠楷潩湴?漠晴?摥椠晦晩敮牥攠湦瑥?慴汨瑥敲爠慱瑵楡潲湴獺?慶汥潩湮杳?瑡桴整?汣潨摩敮獧?潴湯?楯瑮獥?浯楲朠牢慯瑴楨渠杳?睤慥祳?瑯潦?瑳桯敭?映業獡獩畮爠敬獯??味栠楡獲?猠畢来杬敩獥瑶楥潤渠?畯渠摨潡當扥琠敤摥汶祥?獯桰敥摤猠?汳椠条栠瑲?潳湵?瑴栠敯?瀠牲潥捬敡獴獩?潥映?瑯當湥杭獥瑮整渠?浦攠瑤慥汵汴楥穲慩瑣椠潣湲?楳湴?瑬桬敩?睥慤礠?潲晡?楩湴瑥攠牢獬瑯楣捫敳?楩湮映椠汢瑥牴慷瑥楥潮渠?潨晥?潬牯敤?扳攠慦牯楲湭来?栠祡摦牴潥瑲栠整牨浥愠汯?獩潧汩畮瑡楬漠湣?浯潳獳琠汪祯??楴晳?渠潉瑮?睭桡潮汹攠汣祡??摳攬爠楢癯整摨?晳牥潴浳?浯慦朠浱慵瑡楲捴?昭汯畲楥搠???瑥?椠獡?晥攠慣獵楴戠污散?慯獳?愠?浹漠摲敡汴?潥晲?浦楬獡獴楬湹杩?汧椠湡歰?捩潴湥渠敯捲琠楰湩杧?浡慴杯浩慤琠楤捹?睥楳琬栠?桲祯摢牡潢瑬桹攠牲浥慰汲?摳敥灮潴獩楮瑧猠?牲敩汧敩癮慡湬琠?瑲潡?杩牴慹渠楦瑩潳楳摵獲?s. Unlike the subsequent fissure-filling vein usually characterized by evident selvage on both parallel and symmetrical wallsides, the lodes here, particularly the NWW trending ones, not only show the feature of asymmetrical and often irregular wallsides, but, in cases, also extend gradationally outward through altered wall rock to the country rock in such successions as exampled by zones of silicified margin, K-feldspathization (610℃), greissenization (570-620℃) and alkalic feldspathized (650℃) granite. Still, at lower levels, crumple vein or different kinds of ore nodes have been found under favorable trap. The studies on chemical composition of all the minerals in the igneous body and on fluid inclusions reveal that the residual fluid of late magmatic stage should have contained CO2, F, H2O, P, S, K, Si, W, Be, Nb, Ta, Sn, Th, U, Pb, Cs, Li, Rb, Sr, and REE, and that partial W had migrated upward and relatively concentrated at the upper part of the magmatic ring crystallization. Stable isotope studies suggest that were mainly derived from magmatic water. chamber before or duing crystallization. Stable isotope studies suggest that the ore-bearing fluids were mainly derived from magmatic water. All the ab

.1983.Metallization fo Xihuashan tungsten deposit: An example linking magmatic deuteric infiltration with hydrothermal lodes[J].Mineral Deposits2(2):1~14
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