
Temporal and spatial distribution of stratabound deposits in china


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Abstract:Temporal and spatial distribution of mineral deposits is an important subject in the study of mineral deposits. Stratabound deposits result from the interaction between structural movement, sedimentation and igneous activities. The temporal and spatial distribution of stratabotmd deposits are hence closely related to specific tectonic units, ore-bearing formations and magmatic phases. 1.Stratabound deposits in Archeozoio era: of the early Archeozoic, there are Qianxi iron ore deposit in volcanic and sedimentary volcanic Si-Fe formation and Hongtoushan copper deposit in meta-volcanosedimentaxy formation; of the late Archeozoic, there are Luanxian volcanosedimentary BIF type deposit and Xiyupi lead-zinc deposit in meta-volcanosedimentary formation. 2.Stratabound deposits in Proterozoic era: of early Proterozoic eugeosynclinal deposits, there are Tieluzi-Tongyu, Dahongshan and Lalachang VMS type deposits in meta-volcanosedimentary formations of the early Proterozoic miogeosynclinal deposits, there are ttujiayu-Bizigou copper-cobalt deposits in black shale formation, Dashiqiao megnetite deposit in calcic and dolomitic marble formation; of the middle-late Proterozoie deposits, besides the eugeosynclinal and miogeosynclinal deposits, there exist platform deposits such as Yinyeling and Gaobanhe lead-zinc-silver deposits in Carbonaceous-siliceous-argillaceous dolomite formation. 3.Stratabotmd deposits in Paleozoic era: of the early Paleozoie eugeosyn-clinal deposits, there are Baiyinchang, Xiaotieshan and Xitieshan VMS type deposits; of miogeosynclinal deposits, there are Fuzichong lead-zinc deposit and Mojiang gold deposit; of platform deposits, there are West Hunan-East Guizhou mercury and lead-zinc deposits. Of the late Paleozoic eugeosynelinal deposits, there is only Laochang lead-zinc deposit; of miogeosynalinal deposits, there are huge lead-zinc-silver and mercury-antimony ore zones in the Qinling folded belt; of platform deposits, there are well-known Fankou, Heqing and Siding lead-zinc deposits in carbonate formations. 4.Stratabound deposits in Meso-Cenozoie era: in the Tethyan belt, there are Gacun silver-lead-zinc deposit and Jinding lead-zinc-celestite deposit; in the inland remobilized belt, there are Guizhou-Guangxi-Yunnan triangular area of ultrafine disseminated gold deposits and stratabound skarn copper-gold deposits in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River; in the Peri-Pacific belt, there are Wupou lead-zinc deposit in the continental volcanosedi-mentary formation. In conclusion, types of stratabound deposits in China are quite complicated, and among them stratabound mercury, antimony and REE deposits are superiority commodities in the world. Nevertheless, some economically most important ores such as iron, copper and gold are rather deficient as compared with the same types of stratabound deposits in other countries of the world. The Archean cratons in China are rather small in size and scattered in distribution, and the greenstone belts seem not ”fertilized” enough. The tectonic environments of early and middle Proterozoic are relatively mobile. The ore substances are therefore likely to be concentrated. In addition, there are over four ophiolite belts longer than one thousand kilometers within the Tibet-Yunnan-BurIna belt, and there are large quantities of Meso-Cenozoie volcanics and subvolcanics in Eastern China. It is reasonably expected that more stratabound deposits will be found in these areas. Moreover, the huge Xinjiang-Mongolia-Manchuria folded belt and the North China platform are almost blank areas in the prospecting for stratabound deposits, and require further investigation and development.

.1991.Temporal and spatial distribution of stratabound deposits in china[J].Mineral Deposits10(1):27~34
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