
Devonian Syngenetic Faults And Lithofacies In Relation To Submarine Exhalative Sedimentary Lead-Zinc Deposits In Qinling Area, Shaanxi Province


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Abstract:The Qinling Devonian rifted trench, which extends from Xihe-Chengxian of Gansu in the west through Fengxian-Taibai area of Shaanxi to Zhenan area of Shaanxi, is cut by NE-trending and nearly SN-trending second-order faults into a series of discontinuous fault basins, i.e. Xicheng basin, Fengtai basin and Zhenxun basin from west to east. Although the fault basins show some difference in Devonian rock associations, they are basically coincident with each other in characteristics of ore-bearing rocks and lead-zinc ore bodies as well as features of rocks and ores, suggesting that they were formed almost in the same ore-forming sedimertary environment.There are three groups of syngenetic faults in this region: EW-trending, NE-trending and SN-trending ones. Their synsedimentary expansion affected Devonian sedimentation and governed the division of metallogenic provinces, zonation of mineralization and linear arrangement of ore deposits.Lithofacies variation is parallel to and consistent with syngenetic faults, spatially showing some directivity. The lithofacies zone controlled by syngenetic faults served as a favorable environment for exhalative sedimentary mineralization.Lead-zinc ore bodies and host rocks occur at facies-changing position between Middle Devonian carbonate rock and fine clastic rock. Such abrupt change in lithology and lithofacies must have resulted from the unceasing elevation and subsidence of sedimentary basins and the rapid change in physicochemical conditions of sdedimentary environment.Lead-zinc ore bodies and ankerite siliceous ore-bearing rocks occur discontinuously in stratoid and lenticular forms. Where they appear, the conformably overlying strata also crop out completely with fairly great thickness, implying deposition in deep depressions where they are missing, the overlying conformable strata become thinner, and even the underlying formations are missing, suggesting deposition in comparatively shallow depressions or relatively uplifted positions.It is known from the above discussion that stratiform lead-zinc ore bodies and ankerite siliceous rocks were formed in a sedimentary structural environment with constant generation of tensile syngenetic faults. The intersection or concentration place of two groups of syngenetic faults in such a tenso-fracturing belt, in particular, represents a structurally weak zone which might have served as a passage for upward migration and exhalation of hydrothermal solutions and therefore led to the appearance of exhalites and lead-zinc ore bodies in groups or zones.

.1991.Devonian Syngenetic Faults And Lithofacies In Relation To Submarine Exhalative Sedimentary Lead-Zinc Deposits In Qinling Area, Shaanxi Province[J].Mineral Deposits10(3):217~231
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