中文关键词:中国内生金矿 成矿作用 燕山-喜马拉雅成矿期
Abstract:Endogenic gold deposits of China are characterized by wide distribution, multiple mineralized beds and complex ore deposit types. Ore-forming substances are derived mainly from four types of auriferous geological formations, namely, Archeozoic metamorphosed intermediate-basic volcanic formation (greenstone belt), ultrabasic-basic volcanic formation, turbidite (flysch) formation and Mesozoic-Cenozoic intermediate-acid volcanic-subvolcanic formation. Mineralizations are closely related to structures and also have something to do with magmatic activities. The data available show that the Yanshanian-Himalayan period is the major metallogenic period for endogenic gold deposits in China. The tectonic-magmatic event caused by specific plate movement environment in which Mesozoic-Cenozoic Chinese continent lay and the unprecendented heat effect as well as the dilation space effect seem to be the fundamental reason why endogenic gold deposits in China are concentrated in this period. Finally, this paper summarizes the ore-forming evolutionary process of endogenic gold deposits in China.
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