Abstract:The Xiaorequanzi copper (zinc) deposit is a newly-discovered promising copper rich deposit. Based on a series of tests on geophysical and geochemical ore-prospecting work conducted in the ore district, it is found that the gravity method, the borehole "mise-a-lam asse" IP method and the high-precision magnetic method a re most effective ore-prospecting techniclues. The ore deposit occurs in tuffaceous sedimentary rocks of Lower Carboniferous Xiaorequanzi Formation. Therefore, the integrated ore-prospecting model of the Xiaorequanzi copper(zinc) deposit should be as follows: The ore deposit is closely related to volcanic apparatuses and volcanic depressions; w all rock alte rations are com posed mainly of chloritization, silicification, limonitization, jarositization and carbonatization; gradient zones of the regional gravity field, aeromagnetic low value zones and Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd composite anomalies in the high copper background area constitute regional geophysical and geochemical anomalous indicators in search for the ore deposit; composite anomalies characterized by high gravity, low magnetic values, high polarizabilities and low resistivities make up direct indicators and important ore-prospecting clues for discovering and delineating deep primary copper (zinc) ore-bodies.
刘光海,孙德梅,白大明.2000.小热泉子铜矿床物化探找矿效果及综合找矿模式[J].矿床地质,19(1):68~75.2000.Effects of geophysical and geochemical exploration in the Xiaorequanzi copper deposit and the integrated ore-prospecting model[J].Mineral Deposits19(1):68~75