Abstract:Based on detailed geological field survey and systematical REE geochemical study, the authors have discussed the genetic relationship between the magnetite orebodies and massive copper_rich orebodies as well as its significance in the prospecting for Qiaoxiahala type Fe_Cu deposits in the southern margin of Altay Mountains, Xinjiang. It is concluded that the magnetite ore is distinctively different from the copper_rich massive ore in REE composition and distribution model. The former has ∑REE_poor, LREE_rich, and positive Eu anomaly, indicating that the ore_forming process was genetically related to submarine volcanism. The latter has unconventionally rich LREE with steep right_dipping REE distribution curves, suggesting that its generation might have been linked to shallow intermediate_basic orogenic magmatism. Therefore, the coexistence of the magnetite ore and the massive copper_rich ore resulted probably from the spatial superimposition of two stages of ore_forming processes related to different tectono_magmatic activities instead of from syngenetic relationship.
闫升好,张招崇,王义天,陈柏林,周 刚,何立新.2005.新疆阿尔泰山南缘乔夏哈拉式铁铜矿床稀土元素地球化学特征及其地质意义[J].矿床地质,24(1):25~33.2005.REE geochemistry of Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu deposits in southern margin of Altay Mountains, Xinjiang, and its geological implications[J].Mineral Deposits24(1):25~33