
Geological Setting And Genesis Of The Jia-Shengpan Pb-Zn-S Ore Belt, Inner Mongolia


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Abstract:The Jiashengpan Pb-Zn-S deposit is one of the representative deposits along the Langshan- Zhaeitaishan polymetallogenic belt. Geotectonically, the Jiashengpan area is in the western part of northern margin of Inner Mongolia axis within North China platform: The major exposed strata in the ore district are Middle Pioterozoic Zhaertai Group with the Agulugou Formation serving as the ore source bed and the second member of this formation being the ore-hosting horizon. The main economic orebodies occur in carbonaceous argillaceous dolomite and alternating argillaceous- carbonaoeous rocks and carbonate rocks. Lithofacies and paleogeographic studies show that the ore-forming environment is characterized by a quite confined basin, hot and dry climate, relatively high salinity, weak alkalinity, strong reduction, and, in particular, a great abundance of organic carbon. The ore bodies lie in transitional zone between tidal flat gulf lagoon. This paper tries to deal with the genesis of the deposit on the basis of data available in such aspects as geological setting for mineralization, ore-hosting horizon and geology of ore deposit. The ore-bearing formation of the Jiashengpart deposit experienced comparatively weak late-stage geological activities; therefore, the rocks were only subjected to slight metamorphism and the ore concentration was mainly fulfiled in the process of sedimentation-diagenesis. The individual ore bed extends considerably along the strike; orebodies are stable in shape and mode of occurence; mineralization is rather evenly distributed and generally has low grade; the ores show laminated texture and distinct bedding. Ore minerals display extremely fine grains, occur in the disseminated form, and have locally grown larger as a result of recrystalization. The gas-liquid inclusions in minerals are extraordinarily tiny. The lead isotope composition of ore is quite uniform, dominated by single-stage normal lead, with the model age basically consistent with the age of ore-controlling strata; in contrast, δ34S values are scattered. Wall rock alteration is weak, and no obvious relationships are observed between the deposit and the magmatic rocks. Small amounts of ore-forming materials once migrated in ore bed and in overlying or underlying wall rocks, forming small ore veins filled in fissures and causing localized recrystallization. In general, as its original sedimentary characteristics are basically preserved, the deposit should be of sedimentary-weakly transformed stratabound type.

郎殿有, 张兴俊.1987.内蒙甲生盘铅锌硫矿地质特征及矿床成因[J].矿床地质,6(2):40~54
.1987.Geological Setting And Genesis Of The Jia-Shengpan Pb-Zn-S Ore Belt, Inner Mongolia[J].Mineral Deposits6(2):40~54
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