
Characteristics And Metallogenic Significance Of Middle Proterozoic Metavolcanites On The Northern Side Of Langshan Mountain, Inner Mongolia


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Abstract:The northern side of Langshan mountain in central Inner Mongolia, located in the transitional zone between north China platform and Hercynian Xingmeng geosyncline, is one of the important metallogenic belts in China. It covers the Hegeqi copper-lead-zinc deposit and other polymetallic mineralized spots which all occur in Middle Proterozoic Langshan Group and bear some resemblance to the group of sedimentary-hosted massive base metal sulfide deposits proposed by Large(1980). Langskan Group is dominated by epimetamorphic clastic and carbonate rocks intercalated with metavolcanites. Metavolcanites consist of amphibolite, albite chlorite schist, actinolitite and actinolite schist. Stratigraphically, they are restricted within the middle part of Langshan Group. The foliations in them are commonly parallel to those in country rocks, and they as a whole have been folded conformably with metasedimentary rocks. Petrographic evidence such as blastoamygdaloidal structure indicates a volcanic origin of these rocks. In Niggli diagram, all plotted points fall into the magmatic rock region; in the La/Yb-ΣREE diagram, plotted points are predominantly within the basalt region. However, ambiguity of field relationship between these metavolcanites and metasedimentary rocks: combined with the K-Ar isotopic ages published has brought about a dispute about the age of metavolcanites. This paper presents a Sm-Nd isotopic age of 1491×106 a, indicating that they are Middle Proterozoic symgenetic volcanic rocks. Geochemically, SiO2 content of amphibolite and that of greenschist range from 47.50 to 52.05 wt%and from 45.00 to 50.75 wt% respectively, suggesting that metavolcanites are mainly basic volcanic rocks. Plotted points in the(Na2O+K2O)-SiO2 diagram and the F-A-M diagram show that they are largely tholeiite. Total REE, ΣLREE/ΣHREE and chondrite-normalized REE pattern of metavolcanites are similarto those of tholeiite. Mineralizations on the northern side of Langshan mountain occur in metamorphic exhalite overlying metavolcanites or along the contact zone between metavoieanites and metamorphic sedimentary rocks. Close spatial relationship between mineralizations and metavolcanites implies the existence of a connection between volcanic activity and mineralization. Co/Ni ratio of pyrite from ores is larger than 1, suggesting that volcanic rocks provided part of metals for mineralization. Nevertheless, sizes, ore-forming element contents of metavolcanites and geochemical features of ore show that not all metals came from them. The more important significance of metavolcanites consists in the contribution of high geothermal gradient, thus facilitating the migration of metals from the underlying, basement into the basin. The nonlinear relationship between solidification indices or differentiation indices and oxide contents demonstrates that assimilation and contamination once took place between magma and basement rocks rich in copper, lead and zinc.

.1992.Characteristics And Metallogenic Significance Of Middle Proterozoic Metavolcanites On The Northern Side Of Langshan Mountain, Inner Mongolia[J].Mineral Deposits11(2):142~153
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