中文摘要:中国大部分矿产资源供应的紧缺形势,要求加大中东部地区深部找矿(包 括矿山和矿集区)的力度。文章在论述深部找矿的重要性、可能性和艰巨性的基础上,阐释 了深部找矿的有关概念,对比了深部矿床和浅表矿床的差异,重点论述了深部探矿的4个基 本科学问题,包括:①成矿系统发育的完整程度;②成矿系统发育的深度; ③成矿系统网 络的三维结构与矿床分带; ④深部矿床的示踪标志。最后,作者对加强深部找矿提出了意 见和建议。
Abstract:The shortage of most sorts of mineral resources in China demands strengthening d eep ore (including ore mine and ore cluster) prospecting in central and eastern China. Based on a discussion about the importance, probability and difficulty of deep ore prospecting, the authors explain some concepts about deep ore prospect ing and point out the differences between deep ore deposits and shallow ones. Fo ur basic geological problems concerning deep ore prospecting is emphatically dea lt with in this paper, i.e., ① the integrity of the metallogenic system; ② the depth of the occurrence of the metallogenic system; ③ three_dimensional struc ture of metallogenic system and mineralization zoning; and ④ tracing criteria o f deep ore deposits. Some suggestions on strengthening deep ore prospecting are also put forward in this paper.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 40234051)和国家重点基础研究发展规划项目专题 (No. 2001CB409807)
翟裕生,邓 军,王建平,彭润民,刘家军,杨立强.2004.深部找矿研究问题[J].矿床地质,23(2):142~149.2004.Researches on Deep Ore Prospecting[J].Mineral Deposits23(2):142~149