
Geological Features and Origin of Porphyry Copper Deposits in China-Mongolia B order Region and Its Neighboring Areas


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中文摘要:依据金属矿床围岩岩性组合和成矿作用特征,将中蒙边境及邻区分布 的斑岩铜矿床(点)划分为3种类型:①加里东期经典型斑岩铜矿床(点);②海西期经典型 和火山岩型斑岩铜矿床;③燕山期深成岩型和火山岩型斑岩铜矿床。在较详细剖析各类金属 矿床(点)基本地质特征的基础上,划分了9个矿化集中区,并讨论了区域地壳演化与金属成 矿作用的关系。研究结果表明,尽管研究区内的金属矿床(点)成矿作用分别发生在加里东期 、海西期和燕山期,但是大规模成矿作用发生的时间与海西期板块构造活动的高峰期相吻合 ,是地壳特定演化阶段构造_岩浆活动的产物。
Abstract:The China_Mongolia border region and its neighboring areas are located at the convergence zone of Siberian platform, Tarim plate and North China craton, and ser ve as one of the most important copper metallogenic provinces in the world. Deep _seated faults, Paleozoic igneous rocks and porphyry copper deposits (ore spots) are well developed in this region due to the multiphase Paleozoic orogenic even ts. The porphyry copper deposits there can be classified into three types in ter ms of their host rocks and ore_forming periods: (1) Caledonian classic porphyry copper deposits, (2) Hercynian classic and volcanic porphyry copper deposits, an d (3) Yanshanian plutonic and volcanic porphyry copper deposits. Based on system atic studies of the representative porphyry copper deposits, the authors have recognized nine mineralization concentration camps, i.e., southern margin of Altay Mountain (A), Kuruktag (B), Beishan Mountain (C), Oyu Tolgoi_Tsagaan Suvarga (D ), Bainaimiao_Gunawusu (E), Erenhot_Dong Ujimqin Qi (F), Duobaoshan_Tongshan (G), Wunugetu_Badaguan (H) and Lianhuashan_Budunhua (I). Among these nine camps, po rphyry copper deposits occurring within Camps D and G are spatially and temporal ly associated with Caledonian granitoid porphyry intrusions, whereas the deposit s located in Camps A, B, C, D and F are related to Hercynian granitoid porphyry intrusions. In contrast, the porphyry copper deposits of Camps H and I occur gen erally within the Yanshanian granitod porphyry intrusions and their wall rocks. The relationship between the crustal evolution and the metallogney can be summar ized as follows: (1) in Early Paleozoic stage, Caledonian tectono_magmatism caus ed by early subduction of ancient Mongolian oceanic plate and North China craton resulted in the formation of several classic porphyry copper deposits; (2) in L ate Paleozoic stage, a great number of classic and volcanic porphyry copper depo sits were formed by Hercynian tectono_magmatism due to the multiple collision and subduction of various plates and blocks; (3) in Mesozoic stage, some plutonic and volcanic porphyry copper deposits were genetically related to the emplacemen t of Yanshanian granitoids caused by the remobilization of the early_formed deep _seated faults and basements. Systematic geological investigations on the base m etal resources of this region indicate that, although the wall rocks of these co pper deposits vary from place to place, most of them have an intimate relationsh ip with the Hercynian tectonism and magmatism. Geological and geochemical featur es of these deposits have aroused interests among geologists both in China and a broad. An integrated analysis of the geological setting and geological_geochemic al features of these deposits and their related wall rocks would greatly upgrade the understanding of the ore_forming processes of porphyry copper deposits. Mea nwhile, the genetic model and mineral exploration criteria of these metallic dep osits can also be used to make comprehensive evaluation of concealed copper depo sits in the China_Mongolia border region and its neighboring areas.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:40073015)和国家地质调查项目(编号:K1.3.32和2003 10200001_01)
聂凤军,江思宏,张 义,刘 妍,胡 朋.2004.中蒙边境及邻区斑岩型铜矿床地质特征及成因[J].矿床地质,23(2):176~189
.2004.Geological Features and Origin of Porphyry Copper Deposits in China-Mongolia B order Region and Its Neighboring Areas[J].Mineral Deposits23(2):176~189
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