
Ore potential of protoliths and modes of Co_Ni occurrence in Tulargen and Baishiquan Cu-Ni-Co deposits, East Tianshan, Xinjiang


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Abstract:The East Tianshan area is one of the most important Cu_Ni ore belts in China. The discovery of the Tulargen and Baishiquan Cu-Ni deposits is regarded as a great breakthrough in Cu-Ni exploration in Xinjiang in the past ten years. Both deposits are magmatic differentiated deposits related to mafic-ultramafic complexes, with the Tulargen deposit possessing richer Co than the Baishiquan deposit. So far, both ore districts have still been under prospecting. In the Tulargen deposit the proved reserves are copper metal 80000 tons with an average grade of 0.4%, Ni 125000 tons with an average grade of 0.6%, and Co 10000 tons with the grade varying from 0.01 to 0.09%. Baishiquan now is a medium-sized Cu-Ni deposit. The ore potential and the existent minerals of Co and Ni were systematically studied in this paper. Analyses of Co-Ni and trace elements by ICP-MS show a positive mineralization potential. Various kinds of lithofacies in the two deposits possess high Ni, Cu and Co with the Ni/Co ratio from 10.21 to 10.98, whereas REE patterns show LREE enrichment with 51.4~81.1 for ∑REE, similar to things of such known famous Cu-Ni deposits in China as Jinchuan, Hongqiling and Huangshan. These ore-bearing ultramafic lithofacies show higher sulfur contents (12400×10-6~26400×10-6) than barren lithofacies (300×10-6~700×10-6). Ni contents of olivine from regional ore-bearing intrusions in East Tianshan area vary from 964×10-6 to 1818×10-6, lower than the normal value of 2200×10-6, suggesting that the well-differentiated mafic-ultramafic magma is more favorable for Cu-Ni-Co mineralization. Fo parameters of olivine vary in a very small range from 82.01 to 84.92 for the Tulargen deposit. Pyrrhotite, pyrite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and violarite exist together in ores, similar to things of other deposits of this type. The ore mineral assemblage indicates that the ore-forming process can be divided into three sub-stages, with the second stage being most important. Ni and Co elements occur as isolated sulfides and sulfur-arsenic mineral compositions, as shown by such analytical means as X-ray diffraction, SEM, electron microprobe, and scanning microscope. The authors identified two independent isomorphous cobalt minerals, i.e., Ni-cobaltite and Co-gersdorffite. A systematic analysis of these rock-forming and ore-forming minerals can reveal the ore-forming process and supply important information for further exploration, thus beneficial to the study of ore processing and smelting.

秦克章,丁奎首,许英霞,孙 赫,徐兴旺,唐冬梅,毛 骞.2007.东天山图拉尔根、白石泉铜镍钴矿床钴、镍赋存状态及原岩含矿性研究[J].矿床地质,26(1):1~14
.2007.Ore potential of protoliths and modes of Co_Ni occurrence in Tulargen and Baishiquan Cu-Ni-Co deposits, East Tianshan, Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits26(1):1~14
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