
REE geochemistry and genesis of Sumochagan Obo superlarge fluorite deposit
XU DongQing,NIE FengJun,QIAN MingPing,LIU Yan,YUN Fei,ZHANG WanYi
(Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Jinyuan Mining Co. Ltd. of Henan Province)


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Abstract:Located in northern Siziwang Banner of Inner Mongolia and lying in the external contact zone between Early Permian Dashizhai Formation and Early Cretaceous Weijing granite batholith, the Sumochagan Obo fluorite deposit is a world_class monomineral deposit. Metallogeny of the deposit can be divided into two stages. The early stage ores are mainly laminated, banded and fine_grained compact massive ores, whereas the late stage ores are mainly megacrystalline and mingled megacrystalline ores. The sulfide_bearing laminated and fine_grained compact massive ores mainly distributed between 9~21 exploratory lines are not ubiquitous in the deposit. The REE patterns of fluorite ores are very complicated and can be divided into 3 groups. The early stage A_type ores basically have poor_fractionation REE patterns and exhibit low LREE_enrichment with no Eu anomaly. The B_type sulfide_bearing laminated ores exhibit Tb_Er roof_like enrichment with weak positive Eu anomaly. The late stage C_type ores show HREE_enriched REE patterns with weak positive Eu anomaly or negative Eu anomaly. The A_type REE patterns indicate the early hydrothermal event. The ore_forming fluids are magmatic fluids with high temperature and high salinity, with REE elements existent and transported in the adsorption style. The fluorites were precipitated from ore_forming fluids through the fluid_rock interaction between fluids and Dashizhai rhyolite, rhyoltic tuffs and marbles. The C_type REE patterns indicate a long_lived evolution and fractionation of the ore_forming fluids, with the REE elements existent and transported in a complex style. The precipitation of fluorites from ore_forming fluids resulted from the mixing of two end_members of fluids, namely fluids with high_salinity and high temperature from magmas and fluids with lower salinity and lower fluids from meteoric water. The B_type REE patterns reflect a local hydrothermal event with high sulfide contents, with the REE elements existent and transported in a complex style. All fluorite samples exhibit similar trace element distributions characterized especially by high Ni contents, suggesting a common source for fluorite. All fluorite samples are plotted in the hydrothermal field of the Tb/La versus Tb/Ca bi_variable diagram, implying that the Sumochagan Obo fluorite deposit is of the magmatic hydrothermal type.

许东青,聂凤军,钱明平,刘 妍,云 飞,张万益.2009.苏莫查干敖包超大型萤石矿床的稀土元素地球化学特征及其成因意义[J].矿床地质,28(1):29~41
XU DongQing,NIE FengJun,QIAN MingPing, LIU Yan,YUN Fei,ZHANG WanYi.2009.REE geochemistry and genesis of Sumochagan Obo superlarge fluorite deposit[J].Mineral Deposits28(1):29~41
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