中文摘要:邯邢式铁矿是中国著名的铁矿类型之一。近年来,在邯邢地区采用深钻对白涧铁矿低缓磁异常区进行了验证,在孔深592.74~1 040.52 m处发现了厚度大、埋藏深、规模大、品位高的隐伏邯邢式铁矿,表明该区具有深部找矿的巨大潜力。通过对白涧矿区的综合找矿探测方法技术的应用研究和对白涧铁矿深部隐伏铁矿的预测分析,证实了高精度重、磁方法相结合是寻找该类铁矿最有效的方法。EH_4电磁测深方法通过探测深部隐伏岩体的起伏变化,进而预测和发现盲矿体,是一种间接预测隐伏矿分布的有效方法。针对邯邢地区地表及地下均存在不同程度的重、磁、电干扰,该研究加强了实地干扰源的详细调查和室内资料的相关滤波、圆滑处理、位场的转换、异常正反演解释的研究工作,认为加强赋矿地层、构造、岩浆岩、围岩蚀变和重、磁综合异常“五位一体”的深部综合找矿模式,是寻找邯邢式铁矿深部矿体的有效方法。
Abstract:The Hanxing iron ore deposit is one of the famous iron ore types in China. In recent years, some concealed heavy iron ore bodies were found at the depth of Baijian low magnetic anomaly area, suggesting huge prospects in search for deep ore deposits. The exploration work conducted by No. 11 Geological Party of Hebei Bureau of Geology and Exploration confirmed that the Baijian iron ore deposit is a deep, large_sized and high grade Hanxing type iron ore deposit. Based on an analysis of physical properties of the Hanxing iron ore deposit and a prognosis of the deep concealed iron ore bodies in combination with geophysical technology, the authors hold that high_precision gravity and magnetic combination is the most effective method in search for iron ore deposits of this kind, and that the EH_4 electrical_magnetic system is the effective method in finding and predicting blind ore bodies on the basis of investigating deep ore_controlling structures, rocks and contacts with surrounding rocks. These measures will surely deepen the understanding of the deep synthetic exploration model named “five types in one deposit", which includes ore_bearing layer, structure, magmatic rock, wall rock alteration, gravity and magnetic anomalies. The result in this study can play a guiding role in exploring deep iron deposits of Hanxing type.
孟贵祥,严加永,吕庆田,王勇,郝俊杰,张敏,辛宏建,陈凤河,李文江.2009.邯邢式铁矿深部探测技术及综合找矿模式研究——以河北省沙河市白涧铁矿床为例[J].矿床地质,28(4):493~502孟贵祥,严加永,吕庆田,王勇,郝俊杰,张敏,辛宏建,陈凤河,李文江.2009.Application of deep detecting technology in Hanxing subtype iron deposits and an integrated prospecting model: A case study of Baijian iron deposit[J].Mineral Deposits28(4):493~502