
Metallogenesis and geodynamics of Tethyan metallogenic domain: A review


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中文摘要:作为全球三大巨型成矿域之一的特提斯成矿域目前尚缺少系统的研究和总结。特提斯构造带是欧亚大陆南部一条全球性纬向展布的构造带,夹持于东欧、哈萨克、塔里木、华北、扬子、印度支那地块和印度、阿拉伯、非洲板块之间,由若干个小陆块,如Anatolides、外高加索、Alborz、伊朗中部、鲁特、阿富汗、帕米尔、南羌塘、北羌塘、拉萨、保山、中缅马苏、西缅甸等,及陆块中间的造山带组成,是在晚古生代到新生代期间,古、新特提斯 洋扩张与闭合过程中,历经两次大规模的板块俯冲、碰撞形成的。这一过程可主要概括为冈 瓦纳大陆的裂解以及欧亚大陆的增生,其中欧亚主动大陆边缘和冈瓦纳被动大陆边缘起了主要的控制作用。特提斯成矿域复杂的地质演化过程注定了其成矿具多金属、多类型的特征,漫长的空间展布决定了其金属堆积的连续成带性,其中的一些重要成矿带全球著名。文章在 特 提斯成矿域中识别出了6种主要的成矿作用,分别形成斑岩型Cu-Mo-Au、与岩浆热液有关的Sn-W、岩浆型铬铁矿、VMS型Cu-Pb-Zn、浅成低温热液型Au-Hg-Sb及与沉积岩有关的 Pb-Zn等矿床。这些矿床都是在洋盆扩张、洋陆俯冲、大陆碰撞等地球动力学背景中形成的。与环太平洋、古亚洲等增生型造山带相比,特提斯成矿域中也保存了众多与俯冲作用相关的矿产,如斑岩矿床、浅成低温矿床、VMS矿床等。另外,特提斯成矿域中还有大量矿床的 形成与碰撞环境密切相关,如东南亚锡多金属成矿带、Sahand-Bazman铜矿带,以此区别于 典型的增生型成矿域。
Abstract:Recent research on the geodynamic and ore genetic processes has aroused much interest among geologists all over the world. It is a regret that the Tethyan metal logenic domain (TMD), as an ideal case, is less documented and does not have systematical analysis and summary in comparison with other metallogenic domains such as the Circum-Pacific and the Central-Asia. The Tethys is a global latitudinal tectonic belt in the southern margin of Eurasia continent, located between Eastern European platform, Kazakhstan block, Tarim, North China, Yangtze, Indo-China, Arabian craton, Indian plate and African plate and composed of terrains of Anatolides, Transcaucasia, Alborz, Lut, Central Iran, Afghanistan, Pamirs, Northern Qiangtang, Southern Qiangtang, Lhasa, Baoshan, Sibumasu and Western Myanmar as well as the orogenic belts among these blocks. It was formed by two stage subduction and collision between these blocks which commenced in Late Palaeozoic and continued to Cenozoic, called Paleo-and Neo-Tethyan tectonic events. The Eurasi an active margin and the Arabian passive margin played a major role in the geody namic process of Tethys formation.The Tethyan metallogenic domain (TMD) has a very complex tectonic evolution process and wide spatial distribution, implying multiple types and extraordinary polymetallic concentration. In this metallogenic domain important gold, copper, base metals and tin ore belts comprising a large number of giant deposits are developed. Some metallogenic belts of TMD are famous in the world, such as the Sahand-Bazman porphyry copper belt, the Gangdese porphyry copper belt and the Sout heast Asian tin belt. The main types of ore deposits include porphyry Cu-Mo-Au d epos its, hydrothermal Sn-W mineralization related to granites, magmatic podiform chromite deposits formed in the ophiolite zone, VMS-type Cu-Pb-Zn deposits, epither mal Au-Hg-Sb deposits characterized by either low-sulfidation or high-sulfidation, and sediments-hosted Pb-Zn deposits. The distribution of ore deposits reflects the differences in structural and tectonic setting. Many of the ore deposits a re spatially and temporally related to plate motion in the global geodynamic setting.The abundant mineral deposits in TMD were formed in major pulses, coincident with episodes of Tethys evolution. The Paleo-Tethyan oceans were closed in Late Triassic. As a branch ocean of Paleo-Tethyan oceans, the Garze-Litang oceanic plate subducted westwards, forming the Yidun island-arc. The Zhongdian porphyry Cu polymetallic belt which occurs in Zhongdian calc-alkaline volcano-magmatic complexes is located in the southern segment of Yidun island-arc, whereas the Gacun VMS deposit formed in the intra-arc rifting zone is located in the northern segme nt. The Neo-Tethyan oceans were rifted and spread in Jurassic, causing the northern margin of Indian plate to become a passive margin. Cyprus type VMS deposits and chromites occur in the ocean middle ridge, and Pakistan Lasbela-Khuzdar SED EX belt occurs in the passive margin. Many magmatic arcs containing porphyry deposits were formed during the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan ocean in Cretaceous, such as Bangonghu and Pontides. The latter also has epithermal deposits in the shallow-level of arc and Kuroko type VMS deposits in the backarc rifting zone. P orphyry and related epithermal deposits have been formed in the collision belt since Eocene, such as Sanjiang and Gangdese in China and Sahand-Bazman in central Iran. The Mississippi Valley-type deposits (MVT) were formed in a distal enviro nment by basin-wide fluid flow induced by collision effect. The collision and collage of the Indo-China terrain with Sibumasu, Western Myanmar and Indian plate along the suture of Inthanon, Shan Boundary and Woyla that commenced in Triassic and continued to Cretaceous resulted in the formation of southeast Asia mainland. The magmatic activity caused by prolonged collision led to the formation of the Southeast Asian tin belt.Orogenic gold deposits are obviously less related to Cordilleran-type metallogen ic domain, such as the Circum-Pacific and the Central-Asia. Lots of ore deposits were formed during the collision process in TMD, which is noticeably different from things in Cordilleran-type metallogenic domain.

.2010.Metallogenesis and geodynamics of Tethyan metallogenic domain: A review[J].Mineral Deposits29(1):113~133
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