中文摘要:大洋富钴结壳资源是潜在的海底金属资源。文章对富钴结壳资源在太平洋、大西洋和印度洋分布的数据进行收集、整理、筛选、建库,从全球角度出发,对富钴结壳的分布特征进行了分析和对比。研究发现,海山、洋脊、海盆和陆坡4种地貌的Co品位分别为0.70%、0.46%、0.50%和0.43%,海山地貌更有利于高Co品位结壳的产出。三大洋中,太平洋海山富钴结壳矿点的分布比例占到了已知总数的73.3%,说明太平洋海山区是世界海底富钴结壳资源主要的产出区。根据入库数据的分布特点,在全球划分出10个富钴结壳成矿区,结合结壳的厚度和分布水深,从各成矿区中划分出富集区,并按照2 cm厚度和4 cm厚度的标准分别对富集区的富钴结壳资源量进行了估算。计算结果显示,太平洋富矿区的富钴结壳质量最好,w(Mn)、w(Co)、w(Ni)、w(Cu)平均分别为23.00%、0.66%、0.44%、0.09%,干结壳资源量分别为2426.33 Mt、70.30 Mt、48.75 Mt、10.30 Mt;按4 cm厚度指标,w(Mn)、w(Co)、w(Ni)、w(Cu)平均分别为23.70%、0.58%、0.48%、0.11%,干结壳资源量分别为1184.53 Mt、29.76 Mt、24.53 Mt、5.01 Mt。
Abstract:Oceanic cobalt-rich encrustation resources are potential seafloor metal resources. In this paper, the authors collected encrustation data from Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, sorted them and built a database. From the global perspective, the authors summarized and compared the mineral characteristics and distribution of the cobalt-rich encrustation. The results show that co-rich encrustation resources on the Pacific seafloor are richer than those in other oceans, accounting for about 81%. Besides, the content of Co on seamounts, ocean ridges, basin and continental slope is respectively 0.70%, 0.46%, 0.50% and 0.43%, which indicates that seamounts geomorphology is more conducive to production of encrustations with high Co content. Among three oceans, the cobalt-rich encrustations that occur on the Pacific seamounts account for 73.3% of all encrustations, which implies that Pacific seamounts are the main output areas of the world's seabed cobalt-rich encrustation resources. According to the distribution of storage data, the authors divided the world into 10 ore-forming zones of cobalt-rich encrustations, which were further divided into ore concentration regions according to the encrustation thickness and water depth. And then, the authors estimated the cobalt-rich resources quantity from ore concentration regions in accordance with 2 cm thickness and 4 cm thickness standard. The calculation shows that the quality of Co-rich encrustations in Pacific ore concentration region is better than that in other oceans. According to the index of 2 cm thickness, the mean content of Mn, C, Ni, Cu is respectively 23.00%, 0.66%, 0.44%, 0.09%, and the amount of dry encrustation resources is 2426.33 Mt, 70.30 Mt, 48.75 Mt, 10.30 Mt. According to the index of 4 cm thickness, the mean content of Mn, Co, Ni, Cu is respectively 23.70%, 0.58%, 0.48%, 0.11%, and the amount of dry encrustation resources is 1184.53 Mt, 29.76 Mt, 24.53 Mt, 5.01 Mt.
刘永刚,何高文,姚会强,杨永,任江波,郭丽华,梅燕雄.2013.世界海底富钴结壳资源分布特征[J].矿床地质,32(6):1275~1284LIU YongGang,HE GaoWen,YAO HuiQiang,YANG Yong,REN JiangBo,GUO LiHua,MEI YanXiong.2013.Global distribution characteristics of seafloor cobalt-rich encrustation resources[J].Mineral Deposits32(6):1275~1284