
中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所矿产资源研究重点实验室, 北京 100029;中国科学院大学地球科学学院, 北京 100049,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所矿产资源研究重点实验室, 北京 100029,山东招金集团有限公司, 山东 招远 265400,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所矿产资源研究重点实验室, 北京 100029,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所矿产资源研究重点实验室, 北京 100029
Recent progress in the study of ore-forming processes of orogenic gold deposits
QIU ZhengJie,FAN HongRui,CONG PeiZhang,LIU Xuan,YANG KuiFeng
(Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;College of Earth Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;Shandong Zhaojin Group Co., Ltd., Zhaoyuan 265400, Shandong, China)


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投稿时间:2013-09-22   修订日期:2014-04-27      网络发布日期:2015-03-04
中文摘要:造山型金矿床形成在汇聚板块边缘挤压或压扭的构造环境中,其形成时间和空间与造山作用过程存在成因上的联系。造山型金矿床是全球重要的金矿类型,为世界提供了1/3的黄金储量。该类型金矿床能和造山带演化及超大陆拼合紧密联系在一起,是现代矿床学研究的热点之一。文章回顾了近十余年造山型金矿床成矿过程研究的成果,以矿床学三大基本问题源、运、储为框架,归纳总结了前人对造山型金矿床的认识,深入分析了造山型金矿床的成矿流体特征、金和硫的来源及含矿流体迁移过程和金的沉淀机制,对比分析了地壳连续成矿模式和变质脱流体成矿模式,探讨了造山型金矿床时空分布与陆壳生长的联系,最后梳理了造山型金矿床成矿过程研究中存在的科学问题和新认识。目前对造山型金矿床的主要认识有:① 成矿流体以变质流体为主,金元素和矿化剂硫最有可能来自沉积地层内;② 金发生高效沉淀的关键因素是流体压力骤降,而不是流体温度降低;③ 在高级变质作用峰期条件下能否同时发生金矿化作用是地壳连续成矿模式和变质脱硫体成矿模式的最大分歧点;④ 造山型金矿床的时空分布规律与超大陆拼合过程有关。
Abstract:Orogenic gold deposits, having temporal and spatial association with orogenic processes, formed in the compressive or transpressional setting on the convergent plate margin. Deposits of this type constitute one of the most important kinds of gold deposits, and possess one third of total gold resources of the world. Currently, the origin of orogenic gold is one of the hottest topics in economic geology researches. The ore geneses have inseparable links with the evolution of orogenic belts and the collage of supercontinents. This paper reviewed classical literatures and summarized popular explanations on the genetic aspects of orogenic gold deposits in the last decades, including the sources of gold and sulfur, the transportation of mineralizing fluids and the precipitation of gold, which are three fundamental questions in hydrothermal deposits, evaluated the crustal continuum model and the metamorphic devolatilization model, and discussed the link between the timing of orogenic gold deposits and periods of crustal growth. Finally, this paper analyzed problems and new understanding regarding the ore-forming processes of orogenic gold deposits. Current main cognitions on orogenic gold deposits include the following aspects: ① the mineralizing fluids are mainly derived from metamorphic fluids, and the sedimentary rocks are the favorable sources of gold and mineralization agent sulfur; ② the efficient precipitation of gold is triggered by extreme fluid pressure fluctuations, rather than the temperature decreasing; ③ whether gold mineralization occurs synchronously with the peak of high-grade metamorphism is the main conflict between the crustal continuum model and the metamorphic devolatilization model; ④ the spatial-temporal distributions of orogenic gold deposits have a genetic link with the assembly of supercontinents.

QIU ZhengJie,FAN HongRui,CONG PeiZhang,LIU Xuan,YANG KuiFeng.2015.Recent progress in the study of ore-forming processes of orogenic gold deposits[J].Mineral Deposits34(1):21~38
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