
中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083,中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京 100037,中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083,中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083,中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083,中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083,中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083
Mineralogy of Hemushan iron deposit in southern part of Ningwu ore concentration area and its genetic significance
JIANG YongWei,ZHANG ZhiYu,DU YangSong,LUO Gan,ZHANG YanWen,ZHENG ZeJun,REN ChunLei
(School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China)


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投稿时间:2014-06-15   修订日期:2014-12-30      网络发布日期:2015-03-04
Abstract:The Hemushan iron deposit, which is located in the Zhonggu orefield within the southern part of the Nanjing-Wuhu large ore concentration area, is a typical medium-sized porphyrite iron deposit in the Yangtze River metallogenic belt. The major orebodies occur as layers and lens in the contact zones between dioritic pluton and volcanic rocks and limestone near the contact zones. Alteration and mineralization are intense in the country rock close to the orebody, and exhibit significant zoning: Albitophyre→actinolite-apatite-Ⅰ type magnetite ore→(tourmaline)-edenite-phlogopite altered rock→edenite-phlogopite-Ⅱ type magnetite ore→marbleized limestone with magnetite→albitophyre. Petrographic and mineragraphic observations support division of the ore-forming process of the deposit into pre-metallogenic, major metallogenic, and post-metallogenic periods. The pre-metallogenic period consists of albite stage, the major metallogenic period comprises actinolite-apatite-Ⅰ type magnetite, edenite-phlogopite-Ⅱ type magnetite, and hematite stages, and post-metallogenic period is composed of quartz-pyrite and carbonate stages. Mineralogical studies indicate that, in comparison with actinolite of the early stage, hydrothermal edenite contains more Al, Na, and less Si, whereas late stage Ⅱ type magnetite contains more Ti, Al, and less Mg than the magnetite of stage Ⅰ type. From rock mass to orebodies, MgO is gradually concentrated in phlogopite while FeO and TiO2 tend to decrease. It is shown that the metallogenic temperature of edenite-phlogopite-Ⅱ type magnetite stage is higher than that of actinolite-apatite-Ⅰ type magnetite stage. And, the temperature of ore-forming fluids in actinolite-apatite-Ⅰ type magnetite stage is gradually reduced. Integrated studies indicate that the Hemushan iron deposit is a medium-high temperature gas-liquid metasomatic-filling deposit. Hydrothermal metasomatism formed Ⅰ type magnetite, and hydrothermal filling produced Ⅱ type magnetite. Ⅰn the process of mineralization, sodium metasomatism played an important role in the activity and migration of iron.

JIANG YongWei,ZHANG ZhiYu,DU YangSong,LUO Gan,ZHANG YanWen,ZHENG ZeJun,REN ChunLei.2015.Mineralogy of Hemushan iron deposit in southern part of Ningwu ore concentration area and its genetic significance[J].Mineral Deposits34(1):163~178
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