
中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037;国土资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室, 北京 100037;中国人民武装警察部队黄金部队第五支队, 陕西 西安 710199
Geochemical characteristics of a new type of polyhalite potassium ore deposits in Xuanhan area, northeast Sichuan, and their significance
SHANG WenJun,ZHANG YongSheng,LI Kong,XING EnYuan,GUI BaoLing,PENG Yuan,ZHAO HaiTong
(Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS, Beijing 100037, China;MNR Key Laboratory of Saline Lake Resources and Environments, Beijing 100037, China;No. 5 Gold Geological Party of CAPF, Xi'an 710199, Shaanxi, China)


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投稿时间:2019-05-17   修订日期:2020-03-03      网络发布日期:2020-05-14
中文摘要:新型杂卤石钾盐矿分布于川东北宣汉地区早-中三叠世蒸发岩层中,以杂卤石碎屑不均匀的分布于石盐层为特征。笔者对HC3井新型杂卤石钾盐矿段进行连续取样,并进行水溶化学实验,根据其可溶部分的主量、微量元素特征发现:①溶液中的(K+Mg)/Ca值平均为1.24,略小于杂卤石中的(K+Mg)/Ca值(1.27),整体损失率为2.36%,远小于CaSO4组分在杂卤石中的含量(48%),表明杂卤石在石盐基质溶解形成的NaCl溶液中有较好的溶解度,有利于溶采;② Br×103/Cl值分布在0.16~0.44,显示新型杂卤石钾盐矿的蒸发阶段位于正常石盐阶段内,整体较高,蒸发阶段稳定无剧烈波动,仅顶部出现快速淡化,结合前人对杂卤石的成因研究,笔者认为石盐层不具备形成杂卤石的条件,杂卤石碎屑是一种“外来物”;③含硬石膏碎屑中,(K+Mg)/Ca值随着Br×103/Cl值的增加而增高,表明碎屑中的杂卤石的含量随成盐卤水浓缩程度的升高而增加。
Abstract:The new type of polyhalite potassium ore deposits are distributed in the Early-Middle Triassic evaporative strata in Xuanhan area, northeast Sichuan. They are characterized by the uneven distribution of the polyhalite debris in the rock salt layer. In this paper, the main target strata of HC3 well was sampled continuously and tested by water. The major and trace elements of the soluble part of the new type of polyhalite potassium ore deposit have the following features: ① The average ratio of (K+Mg)/Ca in the solution is 1.24, slightly less than the ratio of (K+Mg)/Ca in the polyhalide (1.27), and the overall loss rate is 2.36%, far less than the content of CaSO4 in the polyhalide (48%), indicating that the solubility of the polyhalites in the solution of NaCl dissolved by the halite matrix was good, which had a positive significance for solution mining. ② Br×103/Cl ratios are in the range of 0.16~0.44, imply that the new type of polyhalite potassium ore deposit was at the normal rock salt phase evaporation stage. The evaporation stage was stable without drastic fluctuation, with only quick desalination at the top. In combination with previous research on the origin of polyhalite, the authors hold that it was a kind of "foreign material". ③ The (K+Mg)/Ca of the new type of polyhalite potassium ore deposit can indicate the proportion of polyhalite and anhydrite in the detritus, and its value tends to increase with the increase of the value of Br×103/Cl, indicating that the content of the polyhalite in the detritus increased with the increase of the degree of concentration of the brine.

SHANG WenJun,ZHANG YongSheng,LI Kong,XING EnYuan,GUI BaoLing,PENG Yuan,ZHAO HaiTong.2020.Geochemical characteristics of a new type of polyhalite potassium ore deposits in Xuanhan area, northeast Sichuan, and their significance[J].Mineral Deposits39(2):369~380
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