
山东省地质调查院, 山东 济南 250014;齐鲁师范学院, 山东 济南 250200;山东省地质科学研究院, 山东 济南 250014
Metallogenic fluid and material source of Ankou gold deposit in Daliuhang gold ore field, Jiaodong
YU XiaoWei,ZHANG Wen,LIU HanDong,WANG LaiMing,WANG QiaoYun,TIAN RuiCong,DAI GuangKai,WANG YingPeng,WANG JinHui,CHEN WenTao
(Shandong Institute of Geological Survey, Jinan 250014, Shandong, China;Qilu Normal University, Jinan 250200, Shandong, China;Shandong Academy of Geological Sciences, Jinan 250014, Shandong, China)


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投稿时间:2022-03-04   修订日期:2023-03-07      网络发布日期:2023-05-06
Abstract:The Ankou gold deposit is a quartz vein type medium-sized gold deposit located in the northeast of Daliuhang gold ore field. The ore body occurs in a vein hosted by the NEE trending fault zone within the Guojialing intrusive body. At present, there is relatively little research on the deposit in order to explore the properties of ore-forming fluid and the source of ore-forming materials. Based on underground observation, petrography, fluid inclusion temperature measurement, laser Raman analysis and H-O and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope study, the hydrothermal metallogenic period of the deposit is divided into four stages including pyrite-quartz stage (Ⅰ), quartz-pyrite stage (Ⅱ), polymetallic sulfide stage (Ⅲ) and carbonate stage (Ⅳ). The study shows that the ore-forming fluid contains rich liquid phase and rich gas phase inclusions. The gas phase composition of the inclusions is mainly CO2, with a small amount of N2 and CH4. It is generally a medium-low temperature and low salinity CO2-H2O-NaCl system. In the early (Ⅰ) and main (Ⅱ & Ⅲ) metallogenic stages, the temperature changed little, while the salinity was in a decreasing tendency, and the fluid immiscibility (boiling) occurred in the process of fluid evolution. H-O isotope test shows that the ore-forming fluid mainly comes from magmatic water dissolved from the Guojialing intrusion in the early and main ore-forming stages. S and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes tracing show that the ore-forming materials mainly come from the remelting of activated lower crust (Precambrian metamorphic basement), and mixed with the materials of the upper crust in the process of upward migration.

YU XiaoWei,ZHANG Wen,LIU HanDong,WANG LaiMing,WANG QiaoYun,TIAN RuiCong,DAI GuangKai,WANG YingPeng,WANG JinHui,CHEN WenTao.2023.Metallogenic fluid and material source of Ankou gold deposit in Daliuhang gold ore field, Jiaodong[J].Mineral Deposits42(2):310~330
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