
北京矿产地质研究院有限责任公司, 北京 100012;辽宁省有色地质一〇三队有限责任公司, 辽宁 丹东 118008
Indosinian magmatism and ore prospecting prediction in Qingchengzi area, Liaoning Province
LI DeDong,WANG YuWang,YANG YunPeng,QIU JinZhu,XIE HongJing,ZHANG ZhiChao
(Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources Co., Ltd., Beijing 100012, China;Team No. 103 of Liaoning Non-Ferrous Geological Co., Ltd., Dandong 118008, Liaoning, China)


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投稿时间:2020-10-15   修订日期:2023-06-25      网络发布日期:2023-09-06
Abstract:A large number of studies have shown that the main mineralization in Qingchengzi area is closely related to the Indosinian magmatism. In order to further study the relationship between magmatic activity and mineralization in Indosinian period, the lithogeochemical analysis of Indosinina intrusive rocks were carried out on the basis of detailed field work. The results show that the SiO2 content, K2O content and Na2O content of Indosinian granites in Qingchengzi area are 61.67%~77.69%, 3.96%~6.67% and 0.04%~4.42%, respectively. The Reitman composite index is 0.57~5.19, mostly less than 3.3, which is mainly high potassium calc-alkaline and shoshonite series. In the Harker diagrams with SiO2 as the abscissa and other oxides as the ordinate, except Na2O and K2O have no obvious linear relationships with SiO2, other oxides have linear relationship with SiO2, indicating that they have obvious magmatic evolution relationship. The trace elements are enriched in large ion lithophile elements, depleted in high field strength elements, and the curve of the primitive mantle-normalized shows a right-leaning mode. The pattern of rare earth elements chondrite-normalized shows a right-leaning mode of enrichment of light rare earth elements and depletion of heavy rare earth elements. The tectonic discrimination plots of trace element indicate that the magmatic activity in Qingchengzi area belongs to the syn-collision tectonic environment. According to the geochemical characteristics and the evolution relationship between various rocks, it is determined that their emplacement sequence is the main facies of Shuangdinggou intrusive body→granite porphyry dikes→central facies of Shuangdinggou intrusive body. Through the comparative analysis between the compositions of altered granite porphyry and unaltered granite porphyries, it is considered that granite porphyry can be used as a prospec-ting indicator for lead-zinc and gold-silver deposits. The quantitative distribution density of granite porphyry dikes from a large number of boreholes is highly consistent with the distribution of deposits in the horizontal projection, and it is predicted that the granite porphyry distribution area in the northeast of Taoyuan has great metallogenic potential.

LI DeDong,WANG YuWang,YANG YunPeng,QIU JinZhu,XIE HongJing,ZHANG ZhiChao.2023.Indosinian magmatism and ore prospecting prediction in Qingchengzi area, Liaoning Province[J].Mineral Deposits42(4):713~728
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