
中国地质调查局廊坊自然资源综合调查中心, 河北 廊坊 065000;河北省区域地质调查院, 河北 廊坊 065000
REE enrichment and palaeoenvironmental significance of paleo-weathering crust of Tieling Formation of Jixian System, northern Hebei Province
ZHANG YunQiang,CHEN HaiYan,YANG XinPeng,WANG ZhiMin,HAO Sen,LI PengWei
(Langfang Center for General Survey of Natural Resources, China Geological Survey, Langfang 065000, Hebei, China;Hebei Regional Geological Survey Institute, Langfang 065000, Heibei, China)


摘要点击次数: 1189   全文下载次数: 803   点此下载全文
投稿时间:2023-01-05   修订日期:2023-08-03      网络发布日期:2023-11-01
中文关键词:稀土元素  富集机理  古风化壳  铁岭组  冀北
Abstract:A set of paleo-weathering crust is widely developed on the top of Tieling Formation in the Middle Proterozoic in northern Hebei Province, it is found that both the light rare earth and the associated Rb have reached enrichment. The paper studies migration of elements during weathering and the characteristics of paleoenvironment based on detailed geochemistry study,the results show that the contents of LREE、Rb and Ti in the paleo-weathering crust increase first and then decrease, and enhance with the increase of clay material in the paleo-weathe-ring layer, in the middle and upper part of the clay rock reached the peak value, presumably related to the adsorption of clay minerals. The light rare earths in the paleo-weathering crust begin to be enriched under the condition of oxidation, and enriched with the increase of oxidation. Positive abnormality of δCe and obvious negative anomaly of δEu indicate that the light rare earths are mainly enriched in the oxidation environment of the middle and upper part, and gradually reach mineralization with the increase of oxidation.The CIA of chemical alteration index is between 53.54 and 79.50, and the BA of weathering shower index varied from 0.39 to 1.08, indicating that the weathering crust was formed in a warm and humid climate conditions.The spider-web Diagram, REE distribution curve and the diagram analysis of La/Yb-∑REE of the micronutrient indicate that the rare earth elements and micronutrient are mainly derived from the carbonate rocks of the underlying Tieling Formation and volcanic magmatism during this geological period.

ZHANG YunQiang,CHEN HaiYan,YANG XinPeng,WANG ZhiMin,HAO Sen,LI PengWei.2023.REE enrichment and palaeoenvironmental significance of paleo-weathering crust of Tieling Formation of Jixian System, northern Hebei Province[J].Mineral Deposits42(5):1034~1047
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