
40Ar/39Ar Dating of Gold-bearing Quartz Veins in Fengyang and Zhangbaling Areas, Anhui Province, and Its Geological Significance


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中文摘要:用快中子活化法测定了安徽凤阳和张八岭地区朱顶、毛山和上成3个金矿床第一阶段晚期和第二阶段的含金石英脉,石英的阶段加热40Ar/39Ar坪年龄值域为(116.1±0.6~118.3±0.5)Ma,分别与其最小视年龄和等时线年龄接近。坪年龄、最小视年龄和等时线年龄3种年龄值域为(113.4±0.4~118.3±0.5)Ma,可以作为石英的形成年龄域。 根据含金石英脉和围岩的空间关系,该年龄值域作为石英脉金矿的形成年龄是合理可靠的。金矿床形成于早白垩世阿普特期,与此时郯庐断裂带略带右行走滑正断层活动一致。
中文关键词:成矿时代  石英  40Ar/39Ar年龄  金矿床  安徽
Abstract:Tectonically Fengyang and Zhangbaling areas belong respectively to the North China craton and the Dabie orogene, with Neo-Archean gneiss and amphibolite and metamorphosed marine facies sodic volcanic rocks being the main outcrops respectively. The Zhangbaling terrane strike-skipped along the Tan_Lu fault zone in Mesozoic and Cenozoic and got close to the Fengyang terrane. Mesozoic Yanshanian intrusions occur extensively in the two areas. Gold-bearing quartz veins occur in metamorphic rocks in Fengyang area and in granodiorite and metamorphosed marine facies sodic volcanic rocks in Zhangbaling area. Generally, three stages of quartz veins can be recognized, i.e., gold-deficient sulfide quartz veins, gold-rich quartz sulfide veins and gold-deficient barite and/or carbonate veins. The 40Ar/39Ar step-heating plateau ages of the late first-stage and the second_stage quartz aggregates from the Zhuding, Maoshan and Shangcheng gold deposits range between 116.1~0.6 Ma and 118.3~0.5 Ma and are quite close to their least apparent ages and isochronal ages respectively. All plateau, least apparent and isochronal ages range from 113.4~0.4 Ma to 118.3~0.5 Ma, considered to be the formation age range of the quartz.It is reasonable and reliable to take the 40Ar/39Ar age range of the quartz as the formation age range of gold-bearing quartz veins on the basis of spatial relationship between gold-bearing quartz veins and their country rocks. The gold deposits in the two areas were formed in Aptian Stage of Cretaceous, when the Ta-Lu fault zone moved as a normal fault with slightly right-lateral strike_skip, extended and had very strong magmatic activity. It is shown that the magmatic hydrothermal fluid is a very important component part in the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid in Fengyang and Zhangbaling areas. The gold ore deposits in Fengyang and Zhangbaling areas genetically related to the extensional movement of the Ta-Lu fault zone and the magmatic activity were formed under the extensional dynamic condition in Late Cretaceous. Therefore, the extensional movement of the Ta-Lu fault zone provided energy and space for magmatic and gold ore-forming processes.

基金项目:国家重点基础研究项目(编号: G1999043203)和中国黄金学会项目(编号: 97-08)
.2002.40Ar/39Ar Dating of Gold-bearing Quartz Veins in Fengyang and Zhangbaling Areas, Anhui Province, and Its Geological Significance [J].Mineral Deposits21(3):240~245
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