中文摘要:运用扫描电子显微镜对采自ZK1200B钻孔1.12~53.00 m处岩芯的部分样品进行了分析研究。据此,较精确地划分出了4层含钾岩层,发现有钾石盐、光卤石、杂卤石、泻利盐、硫锶钾石、天青石等固体盐类矿物,其中的硫锶钾石和天青石矿物在新疆罗布泊地区属首次发现。钙芒硝岩层中含有硫锶钾石、天青石,推断其锶可能来源于深部地层水(或油田水)的补给,对罗布泊地区钾盐矿的成因研究具有重要意义。
Abstract:In this paper, some core samples from drill hole ZK1200B (1.12~53.00 m) were studied by means of SEM-EDS (scanning electron microscopy with an attached energy dispersive spectrometer) and, as a result, four potassium-bearing strata were precisely recognized. There are a lot of solid salt minerals, such as sylvite, carnallite, polyhalite, epsomite, kalistrontite and celestite. Among them, kalistrontite and celestite were discovered for the first time in Lop Nur. According to the fact that glauberite strata have kalistrontite or celestite, it is inferred that strontium was probably derived from the recharge of deep formation water (oilfield water). Such an inference will be undoubtedly of great significance for the genetic study of potash deposits in the Lop Nur salt lake of Xinjiang.
孙小虹,刘成林,宣之强.2010.新疆罗布泊含钾地层矿物扫描电镜研究[J].矿床地质,29(4):631~639孙小虹,刘成林,宣之强.2010.Study of minerals in potassium-bearing strata of Lop Nur salt lake, Xinjiang, by means of scanning electron microscopy[J].Mineral Deposits29(4):631~639