Statement of Publication Ethics


In order to strengthen the academic integrity of MINERAL DEPOSITS, protect the rights and interests of authors, readers, editors and contributors of projects related to papers in the journal, establish good professional ethics, regulate the responsibilities of each participant in the process of writing, reviewing and publishing papers, and prevent academic misconduct. The journal follows the accepted publication ethics, and has formulated the publication ethics and moral code of MINERAL DEPOSITS according to the relevant guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and combined with the actual situation of the journal.

I. Authors' duties

1. The authors should honestly describe the research results without plagiarism, falsification of data and other academic misconduct, and ensure that the paper is free of political, military, scientific and technological state secrets or any sensitive issues that are not suitable for public publication, and that the manuscript does not involve language or experiments that are harmful to animals, humans or any violation of human morality and ethics, and does not involve multiple submissions or duplicate publications.

2. The content of the manuscript should conform to the scope of the Call for Papers of MINERAL DEPOSITS. All research results of other scholars mentioned in the text should be appropriately cited and marked, and can be peer-reviewed.

3. All named authors must have been substantially involved in the research or work associated with the article and should have made significant contributions to: the conception and design of the research, the acquisition and analysis and interpretation of the research data; the writing of the article, or critical revision of significant article content; the final review and finalization of the proposed article for publication; and agree to take responsibility for all aspects of the research to ensure that issues related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the paper are The author agrees to take responsibility for all aspects of the research to ensure that issues related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the paper are properly investigated and resolved. Attributed authors cannot make changes during the publication process and must remain consistent with the third-reviewed manuscript in the submission system.

4. The authors should ensure that the attribution and ranking of all authors/units are correct and uncontested. To prevent academic misconduct such as titular authorship, authors should provide the journal's editorial board with a complete copyright transfer agreement for their paper and agree to have their paper and data included in appropriate databases.

5. If the research is funded by a grant, the full name of the grant must be listed, and no other funding information unrelated to the research may be included.

II. Duties of the Editor

1. The editor shall handle each manuscript in a fair and impartial manner; shall make a decision to accept or reject a paper based only on its scientificity, innovation, readability, and other contents and the scope of the journal's call for manuscripts. The manuscripts that pass the preliminary review shall be registered and sent for review in a timely manner, and the manuscripts that pass the final review shall be edited and published in a timely manner.

2. During the review process, editors should avoid selecting experts with conflict of interest with the authors to review the paper and avoid manuscripts with conflict of interest with themselves; at the same time, they should observe the principle of confidentiality, keeping the contents of unpublished articles confidential on the one hand; and keeping the information of review experts confidential on the other hand.

3. The Editorial Board has the right to make independent decisions on the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts, but not based on the editor's private opinion. Decisions already made cannot be changed except when serious errors or academic misconduct are discovered.

4. The editor is responsible for avoiding academic misconduct such as multiple submissions and duplicate publication, and should do two checks and audits on the first submitted papers and the papers to be published.

5. The editors will upload the electronic version of the published papers to the website of "Mineral Deposit Geology" for open publication in a timely manner, and upload them to the databases of China Knowledge Network (CNKI) and Wanfang Data for publication.

6. In the editing and publishing process, editors should not only pay attention to publication norms, but also respect authors' views and writing styles, and seek authors' consent for key changes such as academic views.

7. The editorial board does not charge any review fees or publication fees from the authors or units. After the paper is published, two sample copies of the journal will be given to the author and the manuscript fee will be issued.

III. Responsibilities of reviewers

1. Upon receiving an invitation to review a manuscript, the reviewer should first understand the positioning of the journal and the requirements for review. Review whether their professional knowledge and research direction match with the paper under review. If there is no match, or if the review cannot be completed within the specified time, they should promptly inform the editorial board and suggest changing the reviewer.

2. Reviewing experts shall give an objective and fair assessment in a timely manner based on the principle of maintaining academic integrity and respecting academic freedom; they shall not be biased or discriminate against the authors' country, institution, race, religion, political beliefs, gender, etc., and shall not disclose the authors' research content.

3. When there is a conflict of interest between the reviewer and the author (e.g., kinship, teacher-student, alumni, colleague, competition), the reviewer should consult the editorial board for further advice in a timely manner in order to ensure the fairness of the review.

4. Reviewers should keep the contents of the reviewed papers, author information and related contents confidential and should not use and share the contents of the reviewed manuscripts for purposes unrelated to the review process.

5. The review experts shall make timely suggestions for the return, retraction, or retraction for re-review of the paper, and make detailed comments on the problems of the paper for revision, in order to help the authors accurately understand their research work and help the editorial board make a correct judgment on the quality of the paper.

6. Reviewing experts should review the manuscripts in a timely manner as agreed, and if they cannot return on time, they should promptly inform the editorial board and withdraw the review, and may recommend reviewers; without the consent of the editorial board, reviewing experts should not entrust their own students, colleagues, etc. to review the manuscripts on their behalf.

7. When a reviewer encounters a manuscript that has been reviewed before, he/she is obliged to reflect the situation to the editorial board and fill in the review comments according to the journal's inclusion criteria.

IV. Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

1. Recommend reviewers with appropriate expertise and sufficient academic ability for the manuscript.

2. To synthesize the manuscript and the reviewers' comments and give clear and reasonable opinions on the handling of the manuscript.

3. Fully guarantee the accuracy and academic quality of the papers published in MINERAL DEPOSITS.

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