浅议大规模成矿作用与大型矿集区 |
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引用本文:.1999.A preliminary study of large-scale metallogenesis and large clusters of mineral deposits[J].Mineral Deposits,18(4):291~299 |
Hits: 25823 |
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基金项目:国家杰出青年基金(49825103)和原地质矿产部跨世纪人才基金(9617) |
中文摘要:本文系统地阐述了大规模或大爆发成矿作用现象、特点和出现的某些规律。阐述大规模成矿作用发生必须具有特殊的构造环境,巨量的成矿物质供给,持续的能量系统,优越的输运通道和适宜的堆积空间。大规模成矿作用在空间上表现为非均一性,在成矿区带中绝大多数矿床基本上仅出现于几个空间比较小的大型矿集区内。本文提出研究大型矿集区必须着眼于大尺度(成矿大环境),切入中尺度(大型矿集区),地质、地球化学和地球物理多学科交叉,理清成矿过程,建立成矿模型,进而有效地提取找矿信息,提高找矿效率。 |
中文关键词:大规模成矿 大型矿集区 成矿大爆发 成矿地球动力学 |
A preliminary study of large-scale metallogenesis and large clusters of mineral deposits |
Abstract:Why did large-scale metallogenesis of metallogenic explosion span a very short period in the course of geological history within some metallogenic provinces? Why did a lot of mineral deposits occur in several s mall areas as metallogenic clusters in the metallogenic provinces during the period of metallogenic explosion ? Where are the metallogenic clusters distributed in the provinces? And how can the metallogenic clusters be easily found? Focused on these important problems, this paper systematically deals with the basic phenomena, characteristics, and some regularities of large-scale metallogenesis or metallogenic explosion. Large-scale metallogenesis usually happened in special tectonic environments with huge amounts of metallogenic substances as supplements, sustained energy systems, excellent channels for transportation and favorable space for accumulation of metallogenic substances. Large metallogenic clusters could be studied through anatomizing the major deposits, establishing their relationship and tracing their genesis based on the investigation of tectonic environment. After detailed geological, geochemical and geophysical studies , we can understand the mineralization processes, set up the metallogenic models and some prospecting indicators. The models and indicators can be used to do prospecting in similar areas within the same or different metallogenic provinces. |
keywords:large-scale metallogenesis, metallogenic explosion, cluster of mineral deposits, metallogenic earth dynamics |
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